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February 13, 2009


Dionne C

Oh how cute. Who would have thought stats could be this fun? And yummy?!

Raquel Raney

so up my alley.


Hey I thought it would be cool if you could feature these prints by Richard Perez that just came out. Check them at oksunshine.etsy.com They're really cool I love the use typography! I thought you would be able to help the artist out and feature them. Thanks.


This is fabulous...it feeds my chocolate addiction while making me feel smarter all in one shot! LOL..thanks so much for this :)


If Rankpay's service (http://www.internet-marketing-data.com/2009/09/24/rankpay-review/) is as sweet as these chocolates, I'd bite right away!


The reviews seem great! http://www.internet-marketing-data.com/2009/09/24/rankpay-review/

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Smooth chocolate is always so surprisingly beautiful (and yet--around me--so fleeting).

burlingame fitness coach

oh God smooth chocolate i am mad for it.. it is my all time most favorite...
by the way the pictures are too cute...

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